
Interoutes provide high standard services in fields such as Marine Navigation, Marine Meteorology, Ocean route planning advice and Performance Assessment.

Interoutes’ staff consists mainly of well-seasoned Master Mariners and 1st Mates, with adequate experience on ocean going ships and in shipping offices, experts in assisting masters and vessels with forecast on a daily basis and voyage planning.

Some of them have served as operations and claims managers in the past in a variety of shipping offices in Greece and abroad. The rest staff consists of qualified and well-trained employees of higher education (BSc, MSc and Ph.D) with multilingual abilities.

The whole staff of Interoutes has extensive experience and available data so as not only to help clients in planning their voyages ahead of time but to also support any possible speed and consumption claim, whether or not the vessels have been weather routed.

Interoutes’ mission is to fulfil customers’ requirements and their aim is to keep the quality of the products provided in high standards, an aim that can only be achieved when we are able to fully control all ships monitored at any time.

One of the main targets is to minimize the impact of the environment.

For long time now, Interoutes has been working with a number of first class and respectable clients who have accepted its policy. They are entrusting Interoutes and most of them have appointed Interoutes to provide its service(s) for almost their entire fleet.
Interoutes’ policy is not to expand their business by attracting new clients, but to improve the quality of the services provided towards the existed ones. Consequently, the word “marketing” is not within their interests.  

Keeping slowly growing steps, Interoutes is increasing the number of staff and the number of ships they monitor carefully, only after being assured that they are absolutely able to fully control a limited number of additional ships.

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